Saturday, March 6, 2010

March comes in like a Lion

I miss reading all of my favorite blogs, I have been so busy around here that by the time I fall into bed at night and would usually read I am too pooped and just pass out. I am looking forward to catching up with all the news from around the world soon. Hoping everyone is healthy, happy and living life to the fullest.
It has been cold here in Florida with more freezing temperatures than have been seen in decades but I believe it is soon to begin to be warmer. I can't believe we have too many more terribly cold days left before spring finally arrives, thank goodness because I am ready to get out in the dirt and plant something. I went and bought seeds today, Roma Beans and Black Eyed Peas. along with 4 Bell Pepper plants from the feed store. I already have 5 25 foot rows of potatoes in the ground so that is a start. I hope to get the rest in this week.

The new baby goats are doing well and the chicks I ordered from Murray Mc Murray arrived. I ordered Aracaunas, Buff Orphingtons and Barred Rocks all pullets, along with 5 straight run White Rocks Giants that I plan to raise to be butchered. This is my experimental batch. I decided to try my hand at just five for the freezer to see if I can successfully see them from chicks to freezer before ordering a larger batch. They definitely are genetically different than the laying chicks, they are growing so much faster then the others at only a week old you can see the difference in size. I will post their progress as they grow. Sadly, I have lost a few of the babies for reasons unknown. I go to bed at night and they all are fine, I get up in the morning and there will be one who looks to have been trampled to death. I have no clue as to what could be wrong. Hopefully the remaining chicks are going to thrive.

I started my new job this past week, I think I am going to love this job. I have never worked anywhere like this before, there is no stress, you drive from one home to another seeing patients and they are actually happy to see you when you get there. As you drive from place to place you listen to the radio, have time to think, I keep finding myself saying,wow they are actually paying me for this

Sadly, the pregnant rabbit had her babies on the wire and decided to nibble on some of them, (rabbits are not the smartest creatures) and unfortunately none of them lived. I am feeling a bit discouraged by my inability to breed rabbits, aren't they supposed to be the most prolific creatures. She had a nesting box, she pulled fur to make a nest along with the hay that was in the box and then she had them outside of the box in freezing temps. What's up with that?

Still waiting on Juniper my favorite Doe to kid, this seems like an incredibly long pregnancy and she is so big, I know we will both be glad to see delivery day come. Oh and one of my trio of ducks who I thought were all males is female (surprise, surprise!) she is laying eggs.

That's all the update I have for this morning, off to begin another busy week. Hope to get some new pictures up soon. Have a great week everyone and hopefully spring is beginning to creep in where you live.


  1. Sounds like you have your hands full! WOW! I'm envious that you have your potato in already, though we're not covered in snow it's still far too cold for that here. Maple syrup however.... we've got that! Enjoy the new job! Take care.

  2. So glad you are liking your new job. That is half the battle. Sounds to me like your little homestead is growing. Sorry to hear about your baby rabbits. Maybe someone (reader) who knows about rabbits can help you. Can't wait to see your new baby kid. Put up some pictures of your first two so we can see them again. We are showing signs of spring here. Daffodils are up about 6 inches and the Hiacenths (sp) are up and some blooming. Trees are starting to make buds! Huray! Have a wonderful week!! ...debbie

  3. So glad your new job is wonderful! Sometimes it takes does a few litters to be successful,sometimes they get it right the first time.If they don't get it right by the 3rd try we eat them.They will sometimes eat their babies if the babies are dead too.That has been our experience,maybe others have had different?

  4. Hey! Your chicks sound like mine! I got Amerauacanas, and Buff Orpingtons too. While Barred Rocks are a favorite of mine, I decided to go with a little older breed and got Dominiques and some Cuckoo Marans - they both look like Barred Rocks so I'm hoping that satisfies my need to see that barred look. I had the same problem with my chicks. You go to bed and they're fine, you wake up and it's as if they were jumping on each other all night. It's just one of those things. Keep us updated on the broilers, I'd like to try some someday. I'm also getting into goats and will (hopefully) be picking up a few nubian doelings here in a few weeks! I can't wait!

  5. Florida reminds me of what people think of just never think of Florida as being will barely get up to 55° and for this Arizona t-shirt, shorts and flip flop kind of gal that is cold enough!!

  6. Yes, you have been busy. Working outside the home, homemaking, farming and raising goats and chickens is a big job. You are doing a great job.

    Enjoy reading your posts.

  7. My grandparents that raised me raised 1000s of brooder chickens for a living... I remember from then if your chicks are not staying warm enough they will pile up to stay warm and smother the ones on the bottom of the pile to death. If your having freezing temps are you using a heat lamp to warm the baby chicks? and have them so drafty winds can't get to them? Just a thought :O)... Its amazing how warm they like to be ...

    Sounds like you are going to be very happy with your new job!! When my Grandma was ill before she passed away a very nice nurse came to see her once a week and I know she so looked forward to that :O)...

    5 25 foot rows of potatoes wow!! Way to go. You will have lots of tators! I got in two rows about that size ... weather has been the same here we have seen more cold and colder than we haev seen in decades as well... been a rough winter and we can't seem to get spring to stick.

  8. Yeah, I'm struggling with raising rabbits also. They are just different! Let me know if you find a good resource.

    Sounds like you are doing great. Congrats on the new job.


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