Sunday, December 26, 2010

Starting From Scratch

I have always believed that the idea of homesteading is simply a mindset, meaning that a person can homestead anywhere under any circumstances, in the city or the country by making simple changes on a daily basis, deciding what their priorities are and how best to utilize the resources they have available to accomplish what they want.

Given the big changes in my life over the last six months and my new living arrangements, I have decided that my new years resolution will be to put my money where my mouth is and over the course of the coming year completely start over and see how many actual changes I can make in my lifestyle towards my goal of simplifying and getting back to basics and living the homesteading mindset.
I am am going to make a new list of goals for the year, and work towards them, blog about what I learn including my successes, failures, heartbreaks and whatever else comes along the way.

An update on my bread making post, I will no longer buy bread from the grocery store, I have actually incorporated bread making into my life in a very practical way and am very pleased to say that my family has made the transition nicely using the bread on a daily basis. Often for me that is half the battle, I have to make changes that are actually practical or I am fighting a losing battle. So one change down, one hundred more to go.

Now to figure out where to start.......I'll keep you posted.


  1. Laura, I'm looking forward to seeing how you progress. I've been making it my goal to make my own bread as well. I use a bread machine because work and an hour commute one way, take up to much of my day, but so far we've made bread, hotdog and hamburg buns, dinner rolls, bread sticks, pizza dough and salad croutons. I'd really like to make pitas and wraps too.

    I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and all the best for you and your family in the coming year.


  2. You have the right mindset for success... I bet this is going to be a good year -

  3. Always glad to hear what is going on in your life. I really like the homesteading "mindset". It is very practical, why indeed should your love of homesteading be set aside.

    I want to break away from processed foods and eat more natural foods. Thinking I can't afford this, but here again, if I change my mindset I can make some of these changes.

    Enjoyed you post.

    Wishing you peace, health and unexpected blessings.

  4. Hi, Laura! Just got the chance to catch up on every one's blog posts and believe that all will be well in your life because you sound determined to do what is in your heart.

    A friend of mine turned me on to Mother Earth Magazine many (eons LOL!) years ago but I've kind of fizzled out on it for a couple of years. Thanks for the reminder of what a great magazine it is. I'll put myself on the mailing list.

    aaahhhh...Kansas's Dust in the's always been one of my favorites...

    Have a Great New Year.

  5. I agree with you on the bread. I have said for ages I was going to start making my own. Because of my food allergies buying bread is ridiculous in price 6.00 a loaf! I am like you I have learned to make bread and incorporate it into my weekly doings now! No going back for me, the bread is so good too, that makes it much easier to stick to!

    Canning this last year was amazing. I put up several hundred jars of stuff! I was so excited and we have been enjoying it so much! We are emptying those jars on a regular basis. This year I will can as much of our food as I can. A lot of the produce I grew, some I was given by people who had more than they could use. Pears I was given a boat load of pears!

    I have said to DH if we ever have to move back to town, my biggest requirement is some sort of a yard. I don't have to have acres to have a nice garden! A yard works just fine too!

    Your fresh start will energize you and you will find many ways I am sure to make changes this year :O). You go girl!

  6. Homesteading is a state of mind for sure! The old saying you can take girl out of the country but not the country out of the girl is true!I look forward to seeing all your new adventures! Making this kind of bread is on my to do list this year,my problem is just getting started,I know if I can just get it going I will keep it up!

  7. Laura,

    Here is the blog address for Ivy and Christopher's mother. She is a writer, and while there is not a family blog, she sometimes posts about her family. Her blog is interesting and fun and you'll learn lots! She, by the way, is a wonderful person and has become a dear friend!

    Have a great week!

  8. Laura, so glad we will be hearing from you again on your new adventure to start in the new year. I've never made homemade bread - I think because I'm fearful it will come out like a hokey puk. That's the way my rolls came out. I buy them now...Will be anxious to hear about your new years resolutions!!...debbie

  9. Go for it girl! I agree, homesteading is a state of mind - or I've heard it said - there's a little farmgirl in every woman. Just think those simple thoughts!

  10. Awesome mental outlook, Laura! Very wise insight here... sounds like you will soon be back in the swing of things or maybe, back in the saddle!


I am so happy you stopped by, I love reading your thoughts and reactions. My new motto (stealing from my favorite Disney ride) when it comes to my blog friends is, "It's a small world afterall" Thanks for visiting!

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